Sarah Palin Tonight in Nashville

Tonight I’ll be covering Sarah Palin’s address at the tea party convention with Glenn Reynolds for PJTV.

Jim Hoft has good running coverage of some that which has transpired.

Personally, I enjoyed Andrew Breitbart taking on Joesph Farah over the latter’s remarks on the birthers.

David Weigelof the Washington Independent was sitting cross-legged typing on his computer behind the fray.

“We were told they wanted to keep the convention elite,” said Anthony Shreeve, who’d alerted reporters to the press conference, saying that the word came directly from Judson Phillips.

Wish Weigel would’ve identified Shreeve’s affiliation (I believe the the main mouthpiece during the presser).

“He’s a Democrat,” remarked one of the men with the Tennessee Tea Party Coalition. Dems can be tea partiers too, but it does cause a few raised eyebrows if the guy causing the commotion and hijacking the cameras is a Democrat.

Regardless the ticket price, regardless the size, family squabbles should be worked out internally and those who care about the movement don’t follow DSCC talking points. The beauty of individualism, liberty, and all the things which tea partiers profess to love allow for those same tea partiers to do their own conventions.

Spider and a starfish. The latter lasts longer.

More forthcoming; you can follow me on Twitter for live updates and photos when Palin speaks. I’ll be with PJTV at 7pm.