CNN reporter uses made-up figure, misunderstands role of government

Oh sweet jeebus.

There may not be atheists in foxholes but there are those who want a nanny-state.

After I choked back my incredulity over this CNN reporter (seriously? Dude. The CENSUS BUREAU just debunked the “47 million” figure you just used. Next tactic, stat!) I had to endure a slew of self-righteous libbys in the #iamthemob stream who were theatrically guffawing at each other over their inane perception of Coburn’s compassion.

First off, to the Nancy Drew behind the CNN desk – Coburn isn’t “against reform,” he’s against a crap piece of legislation that does nothing in the way of actually COVERING the bogus number you mentioned, assesses tort reform, or even lowers the cost of prescription drugs (thanks President Obama for that backroom deal with Big Pharma! Spendin’ Gs! Big Pharma p-i-m-p!)

Said Coburn during his townhall:

“The first thing we can do is to see what we can do individually thru our office. [applause] But the other thing that’s missing in this debate is us as neighbors, helping people that need our help. The idea that the government is the solution to our problems is an inaccurate, a very inaccurate statement.”

Nancy Drew cuts in and due to his poor listening comprehension, mistakenly sees an “a-ha!” moment.

“What’s interesting about that is, Senator Coburn just essentially said that the government isn’t the solution. But then you have to ask yourself: ‘Didn’t he just tell her to come and see him? Isn’t he the government?'”

Oh wow, Nancy! ALMOST similar to this, this, or this! Almost as in no, totally not at all.

Sen. Coburn said “The first thing we can do is to see what we can do individually thru our office.”

Hm. Individually. As opposed to acting as a government entity. Continuing. “…missing in this debate is us as neighbors, helping people that need our help.”

Serving others instead of relying on the government to do it for us. How this junior leaguer at CNN derived anything else from this statement is more amusing to me than a really good episode of “Cops.”

Lastly, Coburn didn’t refuse her help – in fact, he offered to help her personally which in turn helps YOU the taxpayer, by not using finite, financial resources for things that we as neighbors can do ourselves.