Bette Midler: dissent like Rwandan genocide

Can Midler even spell Rwanda?

“If you look around at the rest of the world and what this kind of behavior has done, like in Rwanda, where the demagogues got on the radio and fomented all that hate between the Tutsis and the Hutus and the devastation that happened from that, I mean, it’s terrifying,” Midler said.

According to Midler, that’s a possibility in the United States.

“And that could happen, you know, you could turn on a dime,” Midler warned. “That could happen here.”

Behar reminded Midler the United States is a society that has free speech. However, according to Midler Beck isn’t exercising free speech. He exercising hate speech she maintained.

“I don’t think hate speech is so free,” Midler said. “I’m not for censorship. But I also feel like, be a human being.”

Behar explained basic civics to Midler – that what she deems “hate speech” is constitutionally protected. Midler blamed the education system for that sort of rhetoric.

“I think that the people who are educated to be civil are civil,” Midler continued. “That’s all there is to it. And people who are not educated in any way, who are just a little on the barbaric side, what can you do? But that’s the fault of the education system, I think, and the way they’re brought up.”

So dissent has gone from being patriotic to unAmerican, evil-mongering, treasonous, and now, the catalyst for genocide.

(Interesting dichotomy of thought: liberals believe that our state-run educational facilities are either the saving grace of our society or they are faulty and don’t do enough to smush “barbaric” diverse thinking.)