In Photos: St. Louis Tea Party Headquarters Opens

The past Tuesday evening of this week marked the opening of the new St. Louis Tea Party headquarters in south St. Louis city.

A young patriot waves at passerby. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Volunteers gather to celebrate. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Tea party merchandise. Profits go to ordering materials, paying utilities. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Headquarters' sign. Logo by Chris Loesch. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Love this kid. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Volunteers. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

A litany of public officials and candidates, both democrats and republicans, were officially invited; 3rd District's Ed Martin was the only to show. I myself had personally invited Mayor Slay, of whom I've always thought well, and we missed his presence. We hope more can join us at similar events in the future. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Committee Chair Jen E. helps with the good ol' fashion south side BBQ. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

OMGBBQ!!1! ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Volunteers, citizenry. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

The free pocket Constitutions handed out by the Block Captain Brigade. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft grabs the door for one of the younger patriots. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Volunteers. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

Volunteers, Martin Baker. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

STLTP Co-Founder and leader Bill Hennessy with a volunteer. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

The fellowship lasted an hour past the intended time. ©Dana Loesch, no unauthorized reuse.

If you would like to get involved with the Block Captain Brigade liberty evangelism program which works neighborhoods on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, please email Thanks to all who came out and all the amazing volunteers to so selflessly give of their time and talents to advance the cause of limited government and individual liberty.