Charges Filed in Gladney Case – UPDATE (11/26)

Coming through the grapevine: charges are filed in the Kenneth Gladney case.

Three months later, the next step in justice for Gladney, right before Thanksgiving, no less.

Backstory: Gladney was beaten by SEIU members outside the Russ Carnahan townhall.


Jim Hoft was there when Gladney was brushed off by the county counselor’s office yesterday to talk about his case. I know Patricia Reddington’s office was feeling pressure from area residents concerned that justice had not yet been delivered in the cases of Gladney and Kelly Owens, the woman assaulted on camera by one of the SEIU crowd:

Developing this story … as I was drafting this:


PD article:

Six people arrested in August outside a raucous town hall meeting in south St. Louis County have been charged with misdemeanor ordinance violations.

Six people arrested in August outside a raucous town hall meeting in south St. Louis County have been charged with misdemeanor ordinance violations.

The six, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, had attended a demonstration outside an Aug. 6 forum called by U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, at Bernard Middle School in Mehlville to discuss health care reform.

The charges were filed Tuesday by the St. Louis County counselor’s office, which prosecutes misdemeanor ordinance violations in unincorporated areas. All are to appear in court Jan. 21.

Yes, it took 90 days to process (misdemeanor – would they be misdemeanor if Gladney was a liberal with Sharpton connections? Rhetorical) charges; yes, Reddington’s office previously filed charges in the Gephardt case the day after (and on a holiday, no less) but hey – Gladney is seeing justice.

The paper incorrectly identifies Gladney:

Elston McCowan, 47, of St. Louis, and Perry Molens, 50, of De Soto, each were charged with assaulting a person and interfering with police. They are accused of scuffling with and injuring Kenneth Gladney, a demonstrator with the Tea Party, a group generally opposed to Democrats’ universal health care proposals.

No – good grief, he was a VENDOR. He was SELLING MERCH AND GIVING AWAY FLAGS. Is this an attempt to invalidate the offense caused him by identifying him as part of a movement that the state media has ridiculed since spring or is this an honest, incompetent error?

Kelly Owens points out another inaccuracy:

Cheryl Johner, 55, of Arnold, was charged with assaulting a person and destruction of property for allegedly pushing another woman and breaking her cell phone.

Says Owens:

It clearly states in the police report that I was punched in the face and my $300 camera was broken.  And since it happened while I was recording, it is not alleged.

Let’s perform some journalism and check the police report:

Hmm, oh my! It seems to state that Owens was punched in the face, not pushed as reported. The police report also states that Owens’ $300 camera was broken, not her cell phone. I mean, I know that Bryan Burwell has an aversion to checking facts, but is this journalistic laziness catching? How difficult can it be – especially when the police report is posted online? Also, “alleged?” Since when is someone getting punched in the face on camera, witnessed by a cop “alleged?”

If only we had access to a network wherein we could share information, do research, and confirm articles in our stories …

Where is Kenneth Gladney and Kelly Owens’ suds summit? Oh, right. The police have to be perceived as the antagonist for that to work and the victims admin supporters, apparently.


Does Justice Move Faster For Democrats in St. Louis?

St. Louis Protects SEIU: A DA Ignores Charges in the Gladney Beating

****Exclusive: Police Report on Gladney Beating by SEIU Thugs****

I Am Kenneth Gladney

MORE: 24thstate also reports