McArthur’s Bakery, one of many small businesses who’ve had enough

Hat tip from listener Caroline.

David McArthur had it last Friday when Rep. Russ Carnahan and other Missouri reps SOLD OUT Missouri workers and small business owners by voting for the Waxman – Markey bill, otherwise known as cap-and-trade. McArthur also happens to operate the long-loved McArthur’s Bakery, which has been adding to the St. Louis area tax base and providing jobs for St. Louisans for years. Of course now, with cap-and-trade moving to the senate, McArthur is ticked. He realizes that his business costs are going to increase exponentially due to the major spike in energy prices which will occur if this bill passes senate. He knows that this is going to affect how he does business and who knows? It could result in less output and loss of jobs, two things we need less of, not more.

McArthur isn’t one to play it silent. He fired off a letter to Carnahan informing him that he put the official’s name in lights, probably not in the sort of way that Russ Carnahan has always hoped:

Congressman Russ Carnahan


Dear Congressman,

Many of us have had it. You are a follower not a leader. Nancy says Jump boy, you say, How high?

You do not represent the interest of your constituents on the cap and trade issue. So you now have your name in lights for 40,000 cars a week to enjoy.

You sir are not good for small business. And we are letting all of our customers and neighbors know it.

David McArthur

May I suggest that you order your July 4th goodies from McArthur’s, along with your upcoming birthday, wedding cakes, et al.

Past cap-and-tax facts, definitive reading.