On Shirley Sherrod

While Sherrod, the White House, and Tom Vilsack fight over who pressured whom to do what, reading the Daily Caller when this caught my eye:

Sherrod also blasted the NAACP, blaming them for creating a racially charged national environment through their criticism of the Tea Party movement.



Breitbart,who also appeared on CNN, said the point of the video was not to show racism by Sherrod but by the people in the audience listening to her and approving discriminatory sentiments expressed by Sherrod before she said that they were wrong.

“When Shirley Sherrod is talking there, in which she expresses a discriminatory attitude towards white people, the audience responds with applause,” Breitbart said. “But what you see on the video are people in the audience at an organization whose sole job is to fight against discrimination and they’re applauding her overt racism that she is representing.”


Sherrod seems to be making the case that this administration and the NAACP have created an environment of hyper-racial … awareness, for the lack of a better word, antithetical to the post-racial promise upon which the admin ran – and it claimed a casualty as a result.

An environment in which white AND black no – AMERICANS, period, are defamed by placement in a DHS list, called nazis by congressional leadership, insulted, beaten, et al. this is an environment that the movement neither asked for or wanted part of and now we see the left expecting the movement to yet again take the blame for the very environment they, the left, created.

It will be interesting to watch and see how this plays out with Sherrod and the White House. She says they pressured her. They’re calling her a liar. How far will folks believe Sherrod? To the point where it takes validity from the White House by accepting the premise that perhaps they are lying about who gave the order to fire her?

*UPDATED: Meet the New KKK: the NBPP

This is the man that Eric Holder and the DOJ dropped charges against even though he was the one intimidating voters by swinging a stick at them and yelling racial slurs outside of a polling place.

I would love to see how the left explains this one away. I would love to hear this administrations excuse as to the preferential treatment of thugs before the law, thugs who’ve threatened to kill adults and babies simply because the color of their skin.

File under: real angry mobs

*UPDATE: The National Geographic video? It was played at Shabazz’s April 27th hearing, the one to which they went dressed as jackbooted thugs:

After the opening statements and the reading of evidence into the record, the hearing continued with three videos: the atwo camera-phone videos shot at the polling place (now on YouTube), and clips from a National Geographic documentary about the NBPP that includes interviews with Chairman Shabazz and with the billy-club-wielding King Samir Shabazz. Mr. Billy Club talks about how much he hates and wants to kill white people, including white babies, and the documentary includes a very ugly scene (among many) in which he confronts an interracial couple in a Philadelphia neighborhood.

**MORE: The People’s Socialist Party took part in the New Black Panthers’ convention this year.

Sheryl Crow Bashes Tea Party

Yawn. Further up in the article Crow talks about how no one takes to the street, is reminded of the tea party, backpedals earlier clueless statement re: taking to the street by stating that tea partiers are stupid. I liked this the best, though:

Later in her June Glamour magazine interview with Couric, Crow slammed Karl Rove and other conservatives for harping on her toilet paper idea. She claimed this was done “[j]ust to discredit me and to make me look silly.”

Don’t worry, Crow. I don’t think anyone could further affect how silly you are already.